Another Useless Warning About AI Risk
Warnings about AI risk are hypocritical, delusional, or disingenuous. Or all three.
Warnings about AI risk are hypocritical, delusional, or disingenuous. Or all three.
The parallels between Mary Shelley’s fictional AI inventor and the real ones today are shocking and illustrative.
Behind the headlines about AI makers asking government to restrain them from destroying the world, their products are already doing it. I get the existential risk that someday, some AI could be so powerful that it could for some reason decide to take over or annihilate humanity. I’ve seen the Read more…
Robots have been making music for a long time. Maybe advanced AI is a hint that people need to get back into the mix?
The Writers Guild of America (WGA) announced last week that its members would go on strike because they get less work and pay producing content for more shows that air on streaming services. They also want to make sure AI doesn’t take their jobs away completely. Streaming shows are bad Read more…
Turns out that the folks making (and making $)from AI will be among the first who lose their jobs because of it. Sounds fair to me.
Focusing on the regulatory conversation about privacy and fairness is a purposeful effort to avoid facing the bigger questions we should be asking about AI.
The human brain as computer is an analogy, not a description, making predictions for the imminent arrival of AGI declarations of faith, not fact.
Benevolent AI will destroy the world long before an evil AI gets around to it.
Walmart has detailed plans for robots and automation but gets fuzzy on what it’ll mean for people and jobs.